Mountain savory

Mountain savory - spice of happiness

Mountain savory (Satureja montana), also called winter savory, is a perennial herbaceous plant. This savory belongs to the mint family and is one of the oldest and most widely used spices in the world.

Its Latin name is "Satureja" and means "grass of satyrs". Satyrs were mythical creatures, half human, half goat, famous for their rebellious natures.

With its sour and slightly peppery taste, this herb was a favorite of the ancient Romans long before the first pepper was brought from India. In ancient times, savory was considered an aphrodisiac. In the Middle Ages, savory was used to flavor cakes and other pastries. Thanks to the monks, the hearty spice reached Central Europe in the 9th century. The clergy were fascinated by the divine protection that the herb symbolized.

In naturopathy, it is used to help with digestive and gastrointestinal complaints, high blood pressure, headaches, coughs, dizziness, palpitations and vomiting.

Winter savory has healing properties due to the rich content of nutrients such as calcium, potassium, iron, zinc, vitamins A and C and from the B group: B1, B3 and B6 as well as up to 3% essential oils, tannin, etc. The ingredient thymol has powerful antioxidant and antifungal properties. Another substance is carvacrol, which prevents pathogenic bacteria from multiplying.

The special natural composition of the savory makes it a unique medicinal herb.

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